Wolf’s Mouth, a Library of Michigan Notable Book Award, 2017

Wolf’s Mouth
This breathlessly paced, plot-driven action novel covers a wide range of historical, geographical, and emotional ground. With Wolf’s Mouth, John Smolens offers suspense, intricate plotting, sweeping historical subjects, violence, love, and war. This impressive array of action, introspection, and international settings has something for everyone…Deceptively breathless pacing begs for a single-session read. Wolf’s Mouth achieves all-around success as suspense, action, love story, and drama combined with an international storyline for dynamic entertainment and historical relevance.
Read the first two chapters of John Smolens, author of
“Wolf’s Mouth”
Read an interesting interview with author John Smoles about Wolf’s Mouth in the Silicon Valley Voice Magazine
Click to purchase “Wolf’s Mouth”